Monthly Archives: January 2009

4 posts

Terminal Services Plus Open Office Equals

Money in your small business person’s pocket!

I often have the opportunity to take advantage of my Microsoft Partner status when evaluating solutions for clients. I’ve been a Gates fan since he stole DOS from IBM. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer company, back then. How things have changed. I’m also an IBM partner, having fallen head over heals with the RS6000 and IBM server hardware in general.

I’ve just completed a proof of concept project for a client that could potentially save close to over $10000 in upfront Microsoft licensing costs. I was stunned, because I didn’t intend to go in that direction. These days, $10000 is a sizable chunk of change for a small business owner.

As a Microsoft Partner, I own MAPS, not the kind that you find your way around town with, but the software version. MAPS allows me to have legit copies of all of Microsoft’s software offerings. Consequently, I maintain intimate knowledge of Microsoft’s desktop and server products. And, I am a particular fan of Server 2008 Terminal Services. If Microsoft ever got anything right, they got Server 2008 right.

My proof of concept project consisted of creating a 2008 Terminal Server with desktop access to QuickBooks Enterprise and Microsoft Office for 30 users. Just as I was to complete the install of Microsoft Office, I discovered that I did not have the correct volume license keys to make the software work! My deadline was 24 hours away, over a weekend (that spells Monday morning), without any ability to get the keys on time.

After I stopped shaking, I remembered the requirements for the project were QuickBooks, Word Processing and Spreadsheet capability. I stopped thinking Microsoft Office and started thinking Open Office. Within the hour, I had completed my proof of concept project.

Open Office version 3 is as good an office suite as money can buy. The best part is that it is free! “That means you are free to download it, free to install it on as many PCs as you like, free to pass copies to as many people as you like. You may use 3 for any purpose without restriction: private, educational, public administration, commercial… Free, really free.” And, it’s really well done!

Thirty Terminal Server licensed users equals thirty Microsoft Office licenses needed, times $400 plus per license, equals, well, you get the picture. Contact me, I could use the work!

Wrote The Book On It

I’ve used Peachtree and QuickBooks for many years. Although, I profess not to be any type of a competent accountant, I certainly know how to make both Peachtree and QuickBooks perform very well in a multi user environment. As a matter of fact, I can now say that I wrote the book on it!

At the end of 2008, I published two technical manuals addressing the confusing subject of servers, specifically servers designed to run QuickBooks and Peachtree. Each manual is a steal for under twenty bucks. If your business runs Peachtree or QuickBooks multi user, you need to take a look at your flavor of technical manual.

I’ve laid out step by step directions for making a dedicated server. I even have a tip in each manual telling you how to build a server for under $150, quite a feat in itself. Each manual is designed for the semi technical typical business person to completely understand. Why would you need a dedicated server?

A dedicated production server, a “hidden” computer with no keyboard, mouse or monitor, hosts the production company files in a safe, secure and robust fashion, preventing any damage that a compromised desktop computer or computer user can do to your company files. It can perform automated tasks such as automated nightly offsite backups or automated order downloads from your website and can automatically keep each of your computers updated to the latest software version.

I don’t plan to get rich selling these technical manuals; however, I hope to help struggling small business people configure their accounting software correctly. I hate to see people loose and un synchronize their data. And, I also met a goal to publish several technical manuals by the end of 2008.

You can get a copy of “Build Your Own QuickBooks Production Server” at  “Build Your Own Peachtree Production Server” is no longer available. Contact me for a free copy.

The Blind Linking The Blind

What’s in a phrase?

For years, I’ve been thinking about creating a word, combination of words or a phrase that I might call my own, in the context of the Internet world and Internet marketing. I’ve finally found one. I’ve used my phrase in all of the search engines and discovered “no hits”.

So why am I consumed by this seemingly trivial exercise? Next to a key word rich domain name, a key word rich tag line or phrase rapidly becomes the strongest tool in your Internet marketing toolbox.

“The Blind Linking the Blind” is my next experiment in Internet marketing. Lets see how fast we can push this phrase into distribution as a tool to understand SEO, Social Networking and Blogging.

Today, no hits, tomorrow, the World!

UPDATE: Jan 19 Google indexed “The Blind Linking the Blind” From zero to one results and its mine!

Refuse To Participate In The Recession

This is a reprint of an email I received from Leo Quinn in New York. I’ve been promoting his program “How To Own Your Paycheck Again!“, on some of my other websites. I wish I could give a copy to everyone. Lord knows, we need it.


In stressful financial times the media likes to remind us of other stressful times in our history. When I look at those past recessions that happened when I was a functioning member of society (a.k.a. an adult) I am struck by the fact that I don’t ever remember being aware of them. If I was aware of them at the time they didn’t scar me for life.

Here are 9 ideas to help you cope better with your financial stress in the hopes that this recession will be a soon forgotten memory for you.


Author Barry Neil Kaufman says “We stare bug-eyed at the eleven o’clock news, striving to be well informed, as if knowledge of the latest disasters will enhance our sense of well-being.”

Why do you need to watch or listen to the news? Very few people NEED to get their information this way. Short of a tornado headed to your house, you can live your life quite nicely without 24/7 news. Try it for a week and see what happens.


Og Mandino is his book “The Greatest Salesman in the World” gave four words that “have been passed down from the ancients that will carry me through every adversity and maintain my life in balance. These four words are: This too shall pass.”

He’s right. It WILL pass and 5 or 10 years from today we’ll be reading about this in the paper and we’ll think…”oh yeah, I remember that” and it will make a great story to tell your kids or grandkids.

Who said it?…”the only difference between “tragedy” and comedy is time”

3) ZIP IT!

Quit yapping about the economy to everyone you meet. Pity parties help no one on any subject so keep the complaining to a minimum. And don’t hang around people who insist on wallowing in all the negativity.

Ed Diener, author of Happiness, Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth, says “It’s not that you shouldn’t think about (the economic crisis) but think about it to the extent that you can control it. Put your money places where you are comfortable, deal with it and move forward.”


Since 1922 Reader’s Digest has been telling us that laughter is the best medicine. Take daily laugh breaks. It’s so easy with the internet. Go to and search for “game show bloopers” and you’ll be laughing AND feeling smarter in seconds. Family Feud and The Newlywed Game bloopers are my favorites.

You can find Saturday Night Live and Mad TV clips all over the internet. Many cartoons, full length movies and sitcoms can be viewed in their entirety at


They won’t get better by ignoring them. They won’t go away. Your credit score might be hurt if you can’t pay your bills or your get behind but you won’t go to debtor’s prison.

It’s no fun jumping every time the phone rings for fear it’s a creditor. If you need help in the U.S., visit the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Don’t deal with any organization that promises to help you with your finances that doesn’t get a link from this website.

The specific page on that site where you can find local help is:

If you can pay all your debts on time now and you don’t have a plan to pay them off much faster, use my plan.

Over 18,000 people in the last 4 years have made the investment in “How To Own Your Paycheck Again!


Be ruthless in tracking your spending and income. By ruthless I mean keep track of every penny. We all have a problem with “mental accounting.” We don’t look at 50 cents as real money and thus would likely not even consider tracking expenses that small. Fifty cents a day over a year is $182.50. It really does add up.

Keeping track of all your spending can be an eye-opening experience. You’ll often discover unnecessary waste that is easy to fix.


It’s been proven that those who regularly exercise have lower stress levels than those who don’t.

In his book, “One Small Step Can Change Your Life – The Kaizen Way”, Robert Maurer, Ph.D. states that the part of our brain called the “amygdala”… “sets off alarm bells whenever we want to make a departure from our usual, safe routines. The brain is designed that way so that any new challenge or opportunity or desire triggers some degree of fear”

He suggests we take VERY small steps so as not to “wake up” our amygdala. My favorite example in the book was a client he wanted to march in place, in front of the TV for one minute a day. That would be her exercise routine. Just one minute.

Eventually she marched for 3 minute commercial breaks and then for whole shows.

“Soon her ridiculously small actions had grown into the firm habit of running one mile each day. Note that this gradual buildup to a steady program is the exact opposite of the usual pattern, in which a person starts off with ÿa burst of activity for a few weeks, but then returns to a comfortable spot on the couch”


People who work 9-5 and do nothing else to earn money have always perplexed me.

They get up every day, shower, drive to work, work, drive home, do whatever they do at home, go to bed and start it over again every day for 40 years.

At home they worry about job security, promotions, raises, benefits and the like but they do little if anything to ensure their own future, content to rely on an employer who may or may not be around in 5 years.

Spend some of your worry time researching ways to make extra money. Any bookstore or library will have many books on the subject.

Get your children involved. Make it a partnership. What an incredible gift to give your children. The gift of independence.

Yes, there may be laws and rules and regulations you need to follow but don’t let those stop you. They are many resources available to help.

Start at the small business administration. and also check out SCORE at


No, not the state lottery, also known as “a tax on people bad at math”. I’m talking about the comptroller’s office lottery. Every state has an office that handles what are known as ‘Unclaimed Funds” or “Unclaimed Property”. In NY it’s called the Comptroller’s Office. Other states give it various names. Unclaimed funds are forgotten bank deposits, tax refunds, and security deposits from landlords and utility companies to name a few.

Most amounts are very small but it’s still fun to search. You can search the databases online. Most won’t tell you how much is owed but some will give you a range. Search for your name and the names of all your friends and relatives in whatever states they live.

When you find some money that is owed, point your friend or relative to the appropriate website and collect the gratitude (and hopefully a finders fee!) Soon you’ll feel like Santa at Christmas handing out wads of cash.

The site to begin your search is:

So there are nine ideas for you to try. None of them are hard and most you’ll find rather fun. Turn off the TV and the radio…ignore the nattering nabobs of negativity and live a less stressful and more peaceful life.


Leo Quinn is a financial educator from Upstate NY. Since 1997 he has helped over 18,000 people from around the world, through his live workshops and website, get better control of their finances and pay off their debts much faster than normal.

Learn more at